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As Commitment to Continuing Mobility Services During Pandemic, Toyota Indonesia Implements Safe and Healthy Approach

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As Commitment to Continuing Mobility Services During Pandemic, Toyota Indonesia Implements Safe and Healthy Approach

Jakarta (01/07) – As the Indonesian government is very much careful and taking many approaches to prevent further spread of the coronavirus as well as accelerate economic and social recovery in every area. And In order to also support and aligned with the good spirit, Toyota Indonesia has also implemented a very strict operation protocol not only to be able to support the needs of mobility of Indonesian customers but also to further ensure the safety of all of any stakeholders including employees and customers.

Along with this approach, Toyota-Astra Motor (TAM) as distributor of Toyota and Lexus in Indonesia has managed to only allowed a very minimum level of employees working in any of its facilities to support operations directly while managing others to remotely work from home in order to prevent the spread of this pandemic as well as to ensure any of the facilities is safe and healthy for any employees as well as customer and other.

This spirit is to make sure that the nature and core value of the company to provide mobility services and products for both Toyota and Lexus in Indonesia is feasible to support the mobility needs of the community, given that especially during this period our customers’ healthy as well as reliable mobility needs become important.

"It is important for us to be able to continuously support both vehicle supply and vehicle maintenance needs. Especially in this condition where people need to move and be active in safe manners, we must also make sure that our operation still be accessible and of course safer and more comfortable for customers," said Henry Tanoto, Vice President of PT. Toyota-Astra Motor.

To provide easiness and bring convenience to customers, various communication channels have been prepared by both Toyota and Lexus supported by the value chain, some of which are utilizing a digital approach that has now become more familiar and easier to access. For instance, the chatbot Toyota Interactive Virtual Assistance, m-TOYOTA Application, online marketplaces services such as Digirooms that have been prepared by Auto2000, and also KINTO that are expected to provide convenience for customers. In both brands, mobile services are also available to support needs of maintenance even during this pandemic situation.

Complete safety and health protocols are prepared to help smooth operations, especially in areas that required employee attendance, starting from the provision of very strict rapid test for all employees who have been assigned to start working at TAM facilities to very strict daily operations to maintain social distancing, sanitization, and other health protocols.

"For us in TAM, the health and safety of our employees and customers is among our priority. Therefore, we implement policies and activities that meet with the health protocols and regulations set by both central and regional governments, one of which is properly conducting health checks for all employees that are present in the work area," Henry added.

Along with all of the preventive actions that are continuously conducted, such as regular Rapid Tests that is mandatory process for all employees that are assigned to work in any TAM facility as well as daily health checking by company to all of the employees. When should some anomalies are found in both daily data or test results the process will continue toward further checking of Rapid Test as well as Antigen & PCR.

Through this approach, TAM has recently confirmed that 4 employees had been diagnosed with COVID-19, who are directly and properly handled with a strict protocol for receiving medical treatment immediately. And not only to the employees infected, the company also followed a very strict protocol to actively traced any personal that has close contact with the infected employee and also to their close family included other party that have possibility of contact outside company employee member. For instance outsources employee support in the facilities, or in Lexus Menteng for example as it have a sharing location with dealer operation and further will coordinate with the operation to have the same treatment up to customer as precautions approach.

And as part of further preventive, is also by temporarily closing some facility for 3x24 hours as per the government policy at where the infected employees were working, to ensure the sanitation of the facility on top of regular disinfectant to all of TAM Facility that’s spread in and outside Jakarta city.  Until now, there have been total 49 positive cases in total founded in TAM, which consist of TAM and Lexus employees.


"From the beginning of the pandemic we realize that we have to ensure the healthiness of all of our stakeholder, thus we had implemented strict health protocols in all workplaces in accordance with the direction of the authorities. This is our effort to protect employees and customers, so that we can ensure both our products and services we provide are completely safe, in clean conditions, and of course in a good quality," said President Director of PT Toyota-Astra Motor, Susumu Matsuda.

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